Friday 5 November 2010

Gateshead Business Breeding like Rabbits

Gateshead Council’s efforts to stimulate business investment in Gateshead and help local companies to ride out the current recession appear to be bearing fruit as a new Enterprise and Innovation Fund created less than a year ago, has awarded £123,574 of grants which has helped to create or safeguard 187 local jobs.

Thirty-eight start-up businesses, breeding like rabbits, have benefitted from the Council’s Business Start Up Grant, with grants totalling £69,973 and averaging £1,841 per business. To date, these grants have helped to create 81 full time and 13 part time jobs in Gateshead.

A further five companies have had support from Regeneration Grants to allow them to relocate into Gateshead. The grants, which are aimed at creative businesses, engineering firms and businesses developing low carbon or renewable energy technology, have enabled 73 jobs to the brought to the borough.
This is what we need! well done Gateshead Council - leading the way for northern common sence


In light of this good use of public funds I am awarding Gateshead Council the White Ferret Ring of Excellence. Its free and comes without consutancy fees of paperwork.

Please email or DM me if you have any stories you want to share!

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